

All Employees Contribute

From the employees on the factory floors to the Board, kaizen is something that is in continuum and has been from the date KOK was established. Although once performed on a smaller scale, where one man would raise awareness and provide the lean insights on the shop floor, today all employees offer input into ‘kaizen-ing’ sessions.

Kaizen is performed on different levels. Kaizen occurs on a very basic level where small adjustments are made to increase efficiency and decrease waste.

to find
better processes

This is performed within departments, production lines or project teams. Kaizen is also performed on a managerial level where interdepartmental meetings are held to find better processes together.

On a board level, kaizen is discussed in intense problem-solving conferences so that all facets of the enterprise are coordinated as perfectly as possible. To the very core, the focus is again on effectiveness.

It is a fundamental, frequent process in which everybody participates and the results that are yielded are beneficial to improving all levels of operations by making all processes more efficient and effective, and by reducing waste and defects.